Capture the Wild at La Lomita Ranch
Nestled in Uvalde, Texas, La Lomita Photography Ranch is a 240-acre haven of natural beauty.
Our property boasts a thriving ecosystem with Mesquite trees, cacti, wildflowers, grasslands. Surrounding by farmland—it’s an ideal refuge for over 125 bird species and diverse wildlife.
From Green Jays and Pyrrhuloxias (Desert Cardinals) to White-tailed Deer, Bobcats and Coyotes, La Lomita is a paradise for photographers and nature lovers alike.
La Lomita is a vision of the ranch owner who is also a photographer, who wanted to see the property developed into a premier birding and wildlife destination for photographers—from beginners to professionals—to enjoy the beauty of Texas in its natural state.
Our mission is to provide you with an unparalleled wildlife photography experience. Instead of searching trails for the perfect shot, we bring nature to you— up close and in just the right light. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned professional, our workshops also offer expert guidance in image post-processing and creating added value for your photos